Sunday, April 27, 2008

My summer girl

Mealie my first is such a tenderheart. She loves and empathizes so fiercely, and wears her heart on her sleeve. She stills prays for the dead bird she and her cousins found last summer. Her emotions are always at the ready, whether it is in excitement, sadness, or anger. She is a bit of a drama queen, yes, but also a dramatic actress, writing songs, quite adeptly for a child of her age. Her interest in the arts is insatiable. Her drawings are full of vivid detail and color.

Mealie can be so kind, translating books for her sister, helping her little brother and doing chores. However, true to her age there is often a detailed argument as to why she should be doing something else at times. I admire the effort! She is a talented gymnast, swims well, and is such a good friend to her "pals". She loves to be part of a close knit friendship, preferring that to a large group, yet she is well-liked by all her classmates. Mealie loves her solo time as well, enjoying quiet time to listen to music.

A bigger imagination you will not find, endless energy for exploring the outdoors, and decorating her room. She is always creating things, and would spend hours at crafts, leaving an incredible mess and a more incredible creation. Her enthusiasm is as admirable as she herself is. She reminds me of summertime, from her sunny blonde hair to her every changing ideas and interests, just like how summer weather can change so much, but is enjoyable for all that it is because it is summer.

I love my darling girl not just because she is my daughter, but because of who she has become.

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