Monday, April 21, 2008

Long way to go

Well we have travelled for days, across the DULL, DULL prairies (SO boring, words cannot describe-the kids got excited every time we saw a hill-it was that bad!). The mountains were gorgeous. We visited Jasper, where the kids saw elk, mountain goats, a wolf, and deer. We stayed in Valemont, so pretty there, we ate at the Caribou grill, and yes, they serve caribou! We stayed our next night in Chilliwack, it was ok, but I did not like our hotel there. We were in Vancouver a bit after that, then Nanaimo, then home. The island is gorgeous, I love the scenery. Everything is in full bloom-the garden centres are full of plants. We are starting to choose our trees and shrubs for our yard. I am thinking I want a red maple, a magnolia, and a variety of cedars. We also want a fruit tree, but we haven't decided what. There is a gorgeous black grass that I want a bunch of for out front, and we may get a yucca again as Dave really liked it. Lots to decided on.

We visited our closest beach here, a 5 min drive. Very sandy, large beach. The kids were beside themselves beachcombing. We collected a bunch of shells, the kids were chasing crabs, and scooping up jellyfish that got washed in on the tide. They also found a dried crab that somehow has made it back with us! We are going to have a crate of shells that we won't know what to do with by the end of the summer, I can see it now! When it is warmer we can do some serious beachcombing and find octopus, starfish and sea cucumbers! The kids have been avidly reading their ocean book, and we bought an ocean facts game to also help the kids learn. It is exciting to have interesting stuff to do again, I am feeling less homesick for Ontario for the first time since we left. There are several oceanside mini-golfs that look awesome just 15 min up the coast, the kids are excited to go there (they take after their Dad and love golf!), and we have found a great bakery/chocolatier/coffee shop called Hot Chocolate we are in love with already-they serve fantastic artisan bread that reminds me of Pan Chancho. I am also dying to pick up more local wine and cheese from the winery and cheese factory here. I loved taking the kids to Wilton cheese factory, can't wait to go here. We visited a tea house here, they sell over 100 kinds of whole leaf tea. I will go next week after we are in the house and stock up. We picked up some cute kamik rubbers for the kids at a shop, and there is a gift/home shop up the street from it I will head back to and pick of these cool lime green baskets for the house too. A few of our favorite things.

The kids went to their school today, I am anxiously waiting to hear how their days went. The kids are good at making friends, so I hope they enjoy their teachers. We have a ton to do before the end of the week when Dave goes, I am not looking forward to it, but he is bringing back a case of lobsters to celebrate our housewarming with. It is going to be a busy summer. I am done my course successfully, next one starts soon, but it is much lighter, which I purposely chose so I can relax with my kiddos this summer. We plan on going to the beach almost daily, just because we can. The kids are only little for a short time!

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