Sunday, April 27, 2008

A bird in flight

Noni is a charming little bird. Being five is a charming state of being alone, but she affects everyone around her so effortlessly. She makes friends like most breathe, instantly having a small entourage at her new school. She is so humerous, always coming up with the most hilarious analogies. This morning she chattered away in the bathroom about how useful our fingers are, and the multiple tasks they can accomplish: "they can pull down the toilet handle to flush, but they can't eat. They can HELP us to eat though, by holding utensils Mom. Aren't they wonderful?" Ahh the joys of early morning discussions about basically nothing, yet everything.

No one, and I mean no one, enjoys and spends so many meticulous hours with tiny, tiny accessories like Lauryn. She builds "rooms" all over her room, in the dollhouse, on the dresser, end table etc. They are so orderly and detailed. More than a few people have admired the work she puts into them. She has gotten interested in calico critters-they are perfect for her. She reminds me of myself in so many ways, in the way she plays and her love of animals. She cares for our cat so lovingly. But she exudes a confidence and musical voice that I envy.

Noni also loves to add sound effects to all her activities-they are always appropriate to the task-dramatic, humerous, exciting etc. It is beyond hilarious, and no, she does not get it from me! Lauryn is also a chef in the making. I have never seen a kid her age take to the kitchen so skillfully. She can peel an entire pot of potatoes, assist in a cake from scratch, etc. Now this, she takes after mommy!

Noni leads a charmed life, loved by many, so talented. She is still my sweet baby, loves her cuddle time, yet so independent, zipping straight to her class and getting out her work and getting started, with no direction.

I love my darling Noni-bird.

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