Sunday, April 27, 2008

Little feet

There is nothing sweeter than the sound of little feet trotting along. We walked along the river path that leads to the harbour, Josh trotting along as fast as he could muster. This, accompanied by "super boy!" and then counting to 10 and yelling "goooo!". He is absolutely priceless in his moments. He was a turkey to keep on the path, picked fistfuls of dandelions to throw up in the air and shout "hooray!". He would also run onto the brambles and lie down on them-why? Who knows, but the exhuberance he approaches every activity with is to be envied. To see the world through the eyes of a 2-yr old again would reveal such wonder and amazement that we have either forgotten or taken for granted. I also envy his energy, and just general excitement. He breaks things down to such simple terms, all circulating around what makes him the happiest. Why don't we all do that? I think we would be much more satisfied.

At bedtime today, we read his favorite book full of poems and songs. All the kids loved this book, but I think Josh is the most fond of it. He is so soothed by it, he would listen to it a dozen times over if I could stay wake through it-it is a very long book! After his book we said his prayers, where he pauses to say "yah" at each verse. After saying "night night mama", and "love you mama" he started telling me about pink candy canes being yummy. Now what on earth made him think of that is beyond me. Now he loves candy canes, and is probably missing the stash i kept at home, I still do not know what made him think of them-unless it was our Tim Burton night the night before. Josh has joined us in our love for his work, he was absolutely enthralled. I am anxious for the fall season already!

Josh is such a wonder. He is at that age, the peak of curiosity, full of an energy so different from his sisters, yet I see bits of their personalities entwined with his. He is such a beauty, with his wide grin, big blue eyes and button nose. He charms everyone, even in his little statements at shoppers today, standing defiantly between myself and another little boy saying "MY mama"! A couple of days ago when we were having coffee and gelato, he was telling a pair of old ladies about his "yummy, blue ice cream" and telling them it was "delicious". They fussed over him, how handsome, how articulate, he speaks so clearly etc. It was hilarious. He is very charming boy indeed.

I love my little man.

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