Saturday, May 31, 2008

A new post-at last

We have been so busy, this has been at the bottom of my list. But I just spent a few minutes reading some posts and realize how much I enjoy doing this. So onward I go...

We are half ass moved in. Most of our window coverings are up, the main level is 99% ready. The lower level has to wait for carpet installers, tiling, some more drywall. The yard has the front landscaped (I did a fine job, I must say), and is ready for sod. The rest will have the stone patio put in next week, finish staining decking then too, the yard is still being leveled and stones removed. I spent hours hard labour on the yard, soooo much left, but we work fast. Dave and I were a master team in Kingston for years completing the house. We work quickly, and now with all our learning, we do a smashing job. I love the area, the kids school is great, their french has improved being in a 100% french school (no english), and they have made friends. We keep checking out different beaches, each one better than the next. We are going to nymph falls tomorrow.

My course is interesting. I am learning how to teach adults, studying theory and philosophy and applying it in a teaching and learning enviro. The discussions are the best, a very bright group. I love learning, but the work end can be hard in the midst of a move.

The kids are beside themselves here. It is a great place to live. Neighbours have been coming by to say hello, we have found a babysitter-Dave and I just need an evening where we are not working on the house to go out!! We have so many plans for the summer, I am loving beaching it so often!

Dave is home, after a month gone, leaves again in a week, for a week, then home 2, gone for 1 mos, then off all Aug. Not a nice schedule, but we get by. His return this time was so great, we have such awesome chemistry. I am so glad he still gives me butterflies after almost 12 years. He makes me feel like I am 20 and just fell in love. I love him more now than ever, he is awesome.

Ok, I did not say it would be long, but that is it in a nutshell. Life is not dull. I will have a vino with my darling now!

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