Friday, July 27, 2007

Pasta carbonara with courgettes, kids, junk

On the menu tonight, penne carbonara with courgettes. I made a small un-spicy bowl of it for josh, he ate some then just picked, the little monkey. After he is in bed Dave and I will have a late supper alfresco. This dish will be very good with the wine we picked up, fresh thyme from the garden too.

I think Josh is actually enjoying the freedom of his sisters being away. He is acting like he runs the house(which is not that far off his norm, but there are less people to take things away from him now I guess). I think he is loving the exclusive attention more! I miss the girls terribly, they have not been away long, but somehow whenever one of the kids is not here the house feels more empty.

On the up side-Dave and I are clearing up lots of clutter. I have things stashed in baskets, bins, and boxes everywhere it seems. Every closet had too many of these. I guess I am a big consumer. I love to shop, I think I bought completely new everything while we were in Ontario. However, I think I have kept too many of the old things that I am not using. I really feel the need to pare down our stuff before our move. I went systematically through each closet upstairs first, and managed to get bundles of clothes from both Dave and I, then the girls and Josh of stuff they have wore out or outgrown. I then went through the linen closet and my product bins, and threw out three whole containers worth. I went through some drawers in the kitchen tossing stuff, then the downstairs-I re-organized the kids craft shelvesand sorted the stuff into new bins. I got rid of all the old clothes of the kids I was storing down there, except the name brand stuff in good condition as I can sell that to a consignment store. I got rid of boxes from new home theatre equipment and from all my kitchenaid appliances, and threw out some clutter I have been keeping for over20 years. Moving across the country is a big deal, I don't have to pack or unpack, but I do have to find places for everything which takes time. It is more time consuming switching provinces to do things like licences, health cards, house insurance and car insurance, re-stocking the freezer and pantry. Speaking of which, I have already started on both, emptying them and using up things. The freezer is down to bare essentials, and in a few packages of pasta, so will the pantry. We are buying as we need things now mainly.

Back to the issue of junk. I was talking with Mia last night about it, some friends of hers had to deal with the clearing of her mother's home after her death. She was a hoarder-worse than they had ever imagined. Apparently this is an inheritable condition. I think it explains some of my collecting of clutter-it came from both sides of my family mind you. Grandma was quite a shopper. I think it also comes from having no money, then having money and affording what you want. I am quite tidy overall mind you. I just wish I could throw out things more easily. My neighbour was talking about her mother being the same way with stuff, and her and her siblngs try to clear up the house whenever they can. It may be a generational thing.

Lauryn is coming along with her reading quite well. She has done a lot so far, and will be proficient before kindergarten for sure. The workbooks Mom made were brilliant with the readers, both the girls learned to read instantly with them. Lauryn won't be learning english reading at school till grade 2, same as Amelia did. I feel like they need to know how before then-I read when I was 4, so I am doing the same with the kids. I can't get over how good the workbooks are. Mom was a teacher and it is certainly useful. Two essentials at the age of 4 are reading and swimming for sure. Glad the kids have aced both at that age.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sick kids and the science of garbage

My little guy is sick. Poor cabbage, I hope he is better before we leave for holidays. He is being a trooper, but we are all exhausted. I hate it when the kids are sick, I wish I could be sick for them. It seems so unfair to be little and helpless and sick :(

We have our garbage down to a science. Really-it started when we first started having to pay for it in Ontario, I think it was $1.50 per bag at first, ended up at $2.50 per bag by the time we moved. They were doing it in Toronto a long time ago, and it worked, so others were implementing it. Recycling was free, but you pay for garbage-kind of forces people to think about their choices. We got very diligent about recycling, and now we only throw out 1 can(ie a large bag) of garbage per week. This is pretty good considering we are a family of five, and one is in diapers. When we first got down to this we were still a family of 4, so I am pleased that even after expanding, we still can keep our garbage down-sometimes we don't even have a full bag, depending on a bunch of factors. I doubt we could get it less, maybe if we had the composter we did in Ontario, but we are moving shortly so we will figure that out at our new home.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

webkinz-someone was thinking

Kids are absolutely nuts about those crazy things-Mealie and her friends all have a bunch and are going on and on about them. But the real catch to them is not the toy itself, which is just a stuffed animal-it is the website. Each comes with a non-transferable code to access their "life" online. You then have to tend to these pets virtually, and in order to maintain their health and happiness, you need to do all kinds of things with them-the doctor, decorate/furnish their rooms, feed them, shop for them, talk to them, play with them. It is endless. Basically though, you can be on their website for hours. Multiply this by thousands of kids-you have business success for sure. These are the beanie babies of the 2000's, but even smarter. I would have liked in on a piece of that.

The seven, ok eight wonders of Canada-what have I seen?

"According to a recent Environics survey of Canadians' travel preferences done by MasterCard Canada, 51% of respondents ranked Niagara Falls as the top wonder. After that, it was the Rockies (45%); CN Tower (29%); The Great Lakes (14%); The St. Lawrence Seaway, Bay of Fundy, the Arctic, and Quebec's Perce Rock (5% each)."(this is from Canoe online)

Ok-these are good choices, and it is neat that I have seen most of them except for the Bay of Fundy, the Arctic and Quebec's Perce Rock. I have to say though, of the ones I have seen, Niagara Falls when seen in person, stands out far ahead of the others.(I guess that is why it is number one) The falls alone were unreal, really bloody huge-Dad was the most struck by them out of everyone we have taken there-the boat tour through them was one of those things you have experience to believe-the whirlpool, even just the gorge. Our fave for sure, I agree with the rockies next, but I was not that excited about the CN tower-I would have put the great lakes next, then the St. Lawrence Seaway, then the CN tower. Dave has been to the arctic, but we will check out the last two later!

Friday, July 6, 2007

the beach and Duluth

We went to the beach for the day, it was nice, not bad water temp, nice enough beach but not the best by far-I think the prettiest was Sandbanks, just like the ocean, and our fave was Charleston, with Bon Echo and Sandbanks in a close second. It was a gorgeous day, we lounged, swam, burned our feet in the sand, walked, played in the park. Really relaxing. Dave and I are just getting ready for some mussels mariniere and vino, alfresco after the soccer game and the kiddos are in bed. It is a gorgeous evening.

It was funny, we pulled out the map when we were driving to the beach, and it was the same map we used travelling from the east to here(US route). It had marked all our stops, and it was funny the places I was suddenly remembering. One in particular was Duluth-it was beautiful, on the shores of Lake Michigan, it is kind of set on a hill and there is a big bridge that reminded me of one in Montreal like when you go to Mt. Royale-driving over the water like that it looked similar. Anyways, the hotel we stayed in had a salt water pool with a stainless steel bottom-it was really cool. I had forgotten all about that!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Strawberries, moving and the 90's and Mom

We picked berries early this am, something we do every year since we had moved to Ontario. The only thing is that here they cost a lot more per pail. I wish we could pick more, but what is the point. We are moving in a couple of months so we have to deplete our food stores soon. The kids also got to go to a petting zoo, although it was mainly popper and Lauryn since Amelia wanted to pick. Josh chased the chickens and tried to catch the kittens. He was in his glory when he stood at the wheel of an ancient grain truck, trying very hard to start it and madly turning the steering wheel, making driving noises as he went. It remined me of when Uncle Scott set Josh in the front seat of his porsche-Josh was ready to steal that car! Soon we will pick raspberries, probably after we are back from holidays, and saskatoons too. I wish we could go to the apple orchards like we used to-that was my favorite. Mind you processing the apples was not my favorite! By Sept our freezer was always full of local fruits and veggies. This year we will have to have our freezer empty by Sept.

I hate being out of our element, waiting to move, knowing when by no final details so unable to plan any portion of it. All I can do is to start getting the house ready, cleaning things on the walls, taking them down, emptying cupboards and freezer/fridge. I try to look at it like an adventure, but it is not so easy. Amelia just said goodbye to her best friend, and though we will be living near them, they may be as far as 2 hours, so it might not be daily like she is used to. Lauryn and Belle are inseparable-I don't know what they'll do without each other.I will miss the friends I have made here too, although the city itself I could do without.

When I was running tonight some horrific 90's tune was in my ipod stream. It reminded my of the past, just being 20ish and in a totally different mindset. It is odd to think back sometimes about how your world circulated around nobody but you. Being so self-centred is part of young adulthood and a learning process, but it is funny to observe in others, remembering how you were once there. Now it seems everything is about everyone but me-funny how that works. I don't think I fully appreciated my Mom's real sacrifices until i became a parent. I guess it is just something you have to do-I did not even get it until i had my third-and not even when he was a newborn, but once he got older and developed opinions. Then I had an inkling of what Mom did on a daily basis. It becomes a juggling act that no one could teach you. On the up side of this? My family feels whole somehow like it never did before, it feels full, real I guess. It's hard to describe. My good friend with 4(actually two of my frineds have 4) feels similarly, and she is likely going to have another or adopt another. I never thought I would want a big family, but in this day and age 5 is big.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

secret sauce

Making pasta sauce, takes awhile as it needs to simmer and I try to boost nutritional value by adding unexpected things and hiding them. The reason for the hiding is the kids. The kids would rather have just plain sauce, but it is amazing what ingredients you can add, then puree and no one is the wiser! It is similar advice to what chemo patients get when they are not eating, how to boost calories and nutrients-except I am only going for fibre and nutrients. It is a bit of a joke how I put ground flax in everything. I do have to admit I am nutrition and fibre obsessed. I guess I am a bit apalled at the "white bread" kind of diet a lot of people consume, and they wonder why there are so many overweight kids-white bread is like eating dessert really. I have pretty much got all white products out of our diet, other than the odd dessert, but even then I have created my own versions of pie crusts and things. It is also surprisingly easy to reduce sugar and fat in virtually any recipe as well, without affecting taste. What the kids don't know will make them healthier! If it ever cools off I will bake a batch of flax muffins. That is a big if-it is bloody hot.I guess I am off the soap box for now, but when it comes to diet that is very temporary!

Babies sleep and personalities

I can't believe how easy JR is to put down for a nap. I think it helps we have a fairly set routine for nap time and how I put him down, but it takes like 2 minutes. The girls often fought their naps, not doodle bug. He also goes to bed like clockwork, no arguments. I am just glad he sleeps well at night-finally! There was a point when I thought he would never sleep the night. Now that he does I am so grateful for the sleep. I never like to push the issue until they are one at least, but I let him go past, being the baby of the family I guess. Mealie never slept through until a year, but Noni did at 6 mos. However, once I stop letting them nurse at night they all realized there was no reason to get up at night!

None of my kids could be accused of being quiet, dopey kind of kids. They are go from dawn to dusk for sure. Mealie never stops talking-literally-unless she is reading or watching TV. She even talks non-stop at meals about absolutely everything. Noni is definitely quieter, more laid back. She takes things in stride that would have had her sister in tears. She definitely enjoys quiet play at times, making elaborate doll and petshop setups in her dollhouse, which even her teacher commented on how she had never seen such detailed setups(funny Mom said the same thing). Recently she has been flipping on bars and doing proper cartwheels, developing some form, and has been hanging from the bars non-stop like her sister at this age. She values routine more than her sister, and loves to be in charge. Both the girls have friends, though Lauryn has everyone follow her around. Older girls mind you socialize quite differently, and have cliques, which is noticeable in grade one and beyond(which is crazy). I am just glad so far the kids friends overall are nice kids. JR is definitely a boy. He is running and climbing, driving his cars or riding on his quad. He loves to pull apart drawers, cupboards and the girls toys. He loves to scribble on paper, floors, himself, walls-he is not picky! All three love crafts though, as well as baking with me, so they get around the table nicely working together at times, though the quiet is short lived. I won't even talk about the dull roar of car trips....

zoo, kids and east-west stuff

We spent the entire day at the zoo yesterday. Since it is a short distance, we walked to the park, had a picnic, then went to the zoo. It had been a long time since we had been to the zoo, if you don't count Boo at the Zoo-this time last year we went to the Toronto zoo. Lauryn was dying to see giraffes again. The kids were so excited seeing the animals, especially Lauryn and Josh. Amelia spent a lot of time reading all the animal descriptions, with Lauryn joining in on small words. We were dissapointed when we realized this zoo has no big African exhibit, but the kids loved the discovery centre. Josh especially enjoyed the fish and bats. Since Amelia studied bats last year she had a lot of input. Josh also really like using the handicapped buttone to let himself in and out of all the areas-what a turkey! After ice cream, drink and snack breaks it was almost 5, so we took a ride on the train which the kids loved, but especially Josh-who is fscinagted with all things motorized. That kid also has an uncanny ability to operate anything electronic or motorized. How he knows what each button does is beyond me. He is so good with his hands-I thought Lauryn was good at puzzles at 2, but Josh has developed even better hand eye co-ordination. He is such a boy, that is for sure.

Amelia is at her first real sleepover. I don't count when she stays at our friends and relatives while we are there too, so this is her first one without us. The parents are also our friends, and their daughter is a super kid, I am sure they are having a blast. It is another step though, seeing how grown up she is at times. I can't believe how tall, graceful, creative, thoughtful and beautiful she has become. My kids really amaze me.

We are getting ready for another day out today, just catching up on some housework. I miss having our housecleaner we hired in Kingston. He made life so much easier-we would come home after breakfast on Saturdays and voila, clean house. It doesn't get any better! Speaking of which, I have felt so homesick for Kingston lately, probably because it is summer. I miss the lakeshore being 5 minutes from our house, I miss the berry fiedls and apple orchards along the lakeshore. I miss the continual street festivals at centennial park and downtown. I miss the roadside fruit and veggie stands, the antiques, teahouses, the historical corn maze(with actual history about the slave trade-not just running around in corn!), and the pumpkin cart in the fall. I miss our neighbourhood which really celebrated the seasons, and I looked forward to the postcard beauty of the fall. The lakes and life were just so enjoyable-the history of the region impossible to replicate. We felt priveledged to live there. Not to mention the fact that we insured our house and two vehicles for the price of one vehicle here! lol We have been here almost a year now, and I think we are ready to leave. Once we have tried a few more restaurants on our list, and done just a few more activiities, we will have done/seen this area and are ready to go, that is for sure. Everyone on Dave's course is so ready to leave too. Cross country moves are eventful for sure. We will travel west through the states, to sight see. Should be fun-we will soon map out our trip, hotels, events etc.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Lauryn said to me-"Mom-who is the biggest boss-God or Belle?" (referring to her friend next door). I laughed and told her God. She proceeded out the back door in a huff and I heard her saying "see Belle, Mom says God is a bigger boss than you!". The discussions that a pair of 4 year olds can have are hilarious.

food today

I made BBQ salmon, with the kids favorite mole sauce. It sounds wierd with salmon, but it is strongly flavored fish that holds up nicely to the spicy sauce. Simple is usually best when it comes to good food, but mole is one of those exceptions. While it is not hard to make, it has a million ingredients and takes time to cook, but it is worth the effort. We did more fusion cooking tonight and had mushroom risotto(again, few ingredients, but you are standing stirring for half an hour!), and vegetables. As an appetizer our neighbours brought Korean pizza, which is almost like a crepe with squid, shrimp, chives baked in-it was so good with hot sauce. More simple elements, yet fantastic ingredients make the dish every time.

I really miss our favorite Thai restaurant. We have yet to find a place (between Halifax and here at any rate) that serves as good a tom yum goong soup. I can replicate it fairly well, but sometimes the kaffir lime leaves are hard to get. Our quest continues, but I am sure the west coast will give us a good replacement.

I am absolutely ecstatic that Mealie and Josh love green peppers. They are sitting here snacking on them as I type. Josh also loves squid which surprised me. Yet all three will down mussels and lobster like there is no end, so the pickiness is selective, that is for sure. It was not long ago peppers were taboo around here!

Running, world change and responsibility, too much stuff

I ran outside yesterday, which I sometimes do to change it up from the treadmill. It was a nice evening, just after the super thunderstorm and before it got dark. I was listening to John Mayer for some reason on my IPOD, and giving myself a good head clearing, which running is superb for. The music was going on about world change and political responsibility, which annoys me at times. When celebrities complain about issues it always seems kind of hollow, like their celebrity status somehow excuses them from taking real responsibility for things socially and politically. I guess some could argue that many make a lot of noise about issues to draw attention to it, but most don't seem to be willing to really put their money where their mouth is. It could also be argued that your average individuals don't do a thing to help those in need around them, and we argue that we just don't have the time or money. i guess John's reason for the song was maybe to simply make you think. OK John, you win.

On a similar note, we are doing our bi-annual purging. Around Christmas and the girl's birthdays we gather up bags and bags of toys, clothes and various items to give to charity. I never know how we accumulate so much, but I am always so glad to thin stuff out. We will do another purge this year too, just before we move in September-I can't wait.I am preparing to sell furniture this time too. I fel like I change furnishings like clothing sometimes, but my tastes and needs are continually changing. At any rate, as long as I don't have old lady decor I am happy! It was similar with clothes this year too-I dropped pretty much 4 sizes so i have changed wardrobes right dlong with it over the past 6 mos. I guess the only good thing about it is the selection better in small sizes.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


What a crazy weekend. I can't believe how much people have changed! I did not recognize half the people I ran into, I wish Dave had been handy for more shots-I missed pics of so many people I saw. It was great to see people, everyone doing well with their lives, and overall everyone seemed to be happy! Virden is still Virden, but who says you can't go home again?!Of course I was silly and ahving fun, but we will leave the stories for another time, and we are STILL wondering how Rene got us all that free food....
Maria is officially engaged, gorgeous big ring, great guy-he has already been part of our family for so long it seems, he fit with us the minute he joined the family.Can't wait for the wedding.

The kids love spending time with their cousins, they play well together. Their personalities compliment each other. I am now tired though, lots going on this week too.

