Friday, March 28, 2008

Marriage, birth, death and life

Well it seems that my brother-in-law is engaged. They are getting married this summer, not sure when and I have not met her, but this is the plan. I hope it works out, there may be another baby on the way (well another for him, not her). My half-sister's daughter is having another baby, and her son is getting married too. There are a lot of people around us getting married or having babies. It is kinda neat, since a lot of our friends and family have kids that are pretty old now. Time goes so fast.

I hope that Dave's brother's marriage is a good one. There is kind of a disposable or replacement attitude regarding marriage these days, people all want to upgrade when things get old or there is difficulty. I am proud of the fact that Dave and I celebrate 10 years this year. 10 is short by many a standard, my parents were married 43 years before Dad died. But we have weathered a lot thus far. We have dealt with major, life-threatening illness three times,the birth of 3 children, we are approaching our 3rd cross-country move, and we had to deal with the death of my father. A lot in such a short time frame. There are a lot of ups and downs, so much happiness and fun, anger and sadness, and many changes. If anyone thinks they will get along their whole marriage, never seen their mates' flaws, they are delusional. You will have the same fight 92 times. Love is really about embracing someone's imperfections, not merely accepting them. This is the secret "terror and glory" of marriage. Any marriage of duration is shaken by birth, death, triumphs and setbacks. What is the secret to making it last? Well, I think it is just what I have said-or at least I hope. Those are the wise words of a person married 36 years, who I am loosely quoting. I just hope those who are newly approaching marriage understand these things too. We all board the marriage train with idealistic, unrealistic expectations. With time and tribulation, your marriage is tested repeatedly. Those who last are committed through anything. I have seen people whom I thought "why on earth would he/she put up with that?". Why indeed. It is easy to place judgment on someone else's marriage. It is difficult to judge your own and come out smelling like roses.

Our accomplishments together are far greater than what either of us could do alone. I think that is one of the things I am most proud of in our marriage. Material goods are irrelevant. They have no bearing on the strength of our marriage, or our family.All I know is, our friends have been our biggest supports. They ARE our family, hands down. Through cancer, many babies, moves, parents dying, massively ahrd courses, we are all together. I value them for who they are to me and my family.

It is funny talking to a friend tonight, who has more money than anyone I know. She is one of the most fun people I know, and totally looks at her her money as irrelevant, but it is her daughter who is a friend of Amelia, and they are our place to stay in Palm Springs! LOL she is great fun! But we have a great connection, and her daughter is so precious. I am so glad to not leave such good friends behind. Our best friends are never far, despite our moves, and that is so heat warming. Cheers to you all!

As for the future newlyweds, I wish you the happiness we have had, and the ability to cope with all that is life. Come have a margarita (made by Dave the master) in Tofino!

Monday, March 24, 2008

17 days

17 days to go. A ton of stuff to sum up here, two more shifts to work, then I am officially on holidays till the fall. I plan on taking the kids to the beach almost every day-just because we can! I have lots of landscaping and some painting of the downstairs in the house, but we want to enjoy the most beautiful place we have ever lived by being outdoors all spring and summer as much as we can.

I got my paper in under the wire, and I summed up another unit and posted on transdermal testosterone, and why this is the preferred delivery method. Very exciting. I have massive studying to do till the exam. I can't wait to be done. Sandy and I are pulling our hair out over this one.

Easter was fun. On Saturday the kids went to an egg hunt and a lunch, Lauryn won a prize too. On the Sunday we went out for brunch after our little egg hunt at home, then had our big dinner with family. I usually do ham, but the turkey I made was so juicy and tender. We have to empty out the freezer! Strawberry shortcake I made for dessert went over really well. The kids got lots of gifts, the Easter Bunny likes to spoil them with clothes, toys and treats. Amelia slept in the living room with her camera to try and catch the bunny himself in the act, but she slept without waking while things were being hidden. What a turkey! I miss outdoor egg hunts-at least this is the last one we had to suffer through in a winter enviro.

All our hotels are booked. We have notified all friends we are planning on visiting en route and before we leave, so we are excited to see everyone, sad to say goodbye to others. After our cross-country trek we get two weeks in two different resorts, so I am stoked. The kids are bursting they are so excited.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The big 100!

I can't believe I have managed 100 posts-yahoo! I guess I should bake a cake lol. A lot has happened in this time span, so much to happen over the next 100 posts-here's to 100 more!

The kids are so busy. They had a snowball fight with the neighbours-Josh and Jon vs. Amelia, Lauryn and Belle(fairly fair since Jon is 16!) Josh loves Jon-calls him JonJon-he is so good with the kids. Amelia and I had a funny discussion today-is a flute an animal? Well logic would say no, but her argument was this: air goes in and out, fluids (saliva) goes in and comes out, it is wood from a tree, which is alive, it makes noise. She was just being silly, but it was funny how she was trying to rationalize in a goofball way! Lauryn and Belle play daily again-they go through fits and spurts.

I am swamped with diagnoses and drug interactions etc. This course has given me a whole new appreciation for what physicians know and do. There is so much more to it than what nurses think. I certainly have a new opinion developing. The CYP450 system is enough to give any MD a headache.

I have been running outside-it feels SO good. I wish there were no puddles-I love seeing if I can jump over them-unlike kids who jump in them lol! I went for a really long one tonight, I feel supercharged, the energy and mood lift running outside gives me is second to none. I have been trying to get in a spring mindset and I finally feel I can-I think I will wear my new open toed shoes to the St. Pat's party on friday to celebrate! I also got my hair done a lighter colour in prep for warm weather. Now what to wear to the party?(Update, we had lots of fun, lots of friends there, but left fairly early as I was beat-food was so-so)

A pair of our friends just got engaged-I am so excited. They are our nearest neighbours that we know in our new locale, so it is so exciting. It seems so long ago since we had our wedding, it is a distant memory!

This one is taking me days to finish, I should just sum it up with no hoopla. We have busy weekends until we leave, lots to do, no time. The house is flying along, just got some more aerial pics, so exciting! Had a nice long visit with Sandy, but I am so stressed with my course that I had trouble relaxing. We need a paper-free weekend next time. She is such a supportive friend. We were out of touch a bit when I had my miscarriage years ago after Mimi, but I wished we hadn't been because I know she would have my depression and recognized it. I was in bad shape, looking back on it now it is still distressing. I am glad I have better supports around me now, I would never want to go back to those hard months. We were talking about that and so many things this weekend. It is nice to split our sides laughing too!

I baked a chocolate cake with chocolate ganache tonight, very decadent. It satisfied my lil chochoholics. Since I am 1/2 Irish, I will add 1/2 an Irish blessing-...and may the wind always be at your! Well, onward to another 100 posts!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dinner, mundane stuff, life

I had a great dinner with my dearest last eve. Our dinner rocked-shiraz poached pear, gorgonzola and cashew salad, with pear and wine reduction vinaigrette, gorgonzola and dijon crusted tenderloin with beef jus and wine reduction, served over garlic parmesan mashed. SO GOOD! It was great, and believe it or not, it was quick to prepare. We had a nice cheese selection after, cranberry wesleydale, moroccan spice gouda, madagascar green peppercorn, some more of the gorgonzola, spiced air cured genoa salami, and some lovely big olives with some of our favorite crisp breads. I am still stuffed lol! We had such a nice evening, so nice to be with my most favorite man!

We were out part of the day today, bought more summer clothes for the kids, I left my ring at the jewelers, it is still a bit too loose, I don't want it to fall off. Hopefully it fits better this time. We had lunch out, but Lauryn was really feeling unwell by the time we got done at the mall, so we came home, she and Josh are napping and Dave went off to buy the groceries. I need to go out to the drugstore after, and then go and exchange a pair of shoes. Have I mentioned a million times how I am dying to wear summer clothing and go running outside? 4 more weeks, 4 more weeks-I can keep saying it.

I just found out a friend from school nearly dies 5 years ago, they had given him 6 mos to live. Many surgeries later he is now ok, has a nice family and is managing well. Life is so fragile at times, it makes you appreciate what you have so much more.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Long time no blog

I have not written in ages, I have been on the computer a lot, just not doing much recreational. My course takes a lot of work. The good part is I am doing well, and am learning tons. I do look forward to a less work intense course next term though. It feels good to be advancing my knowledge. I am amazed that they do not teach any of this stuff at the undergrad level-even the new grads I have worked with have said their program does not touch on this stuff. I am still very hesitant with my prescription writing, but I am more confident with my drug choices, slowly but surely.

I don't even know where to begin, it has been over a month, so much going on. Josh just is getting over being sick, now poor Noni is fevered. Thank goodness Mimi is past all this stuff. I hope Noni's is short lived-it is so funny when I ask what hurts and she says her brain. Poor kid-I think this is the same illness her best friend had too-she had a headache as well. Hopefully I can get her into the doc as fast-at least I know what they will prescribe. The kids are bored as we countdown to our trip. They have been stir crazy with this miserable weather. I can't wait to bid a very un-fond farewell to winter. No more!! Josh is driving me nuts. He is in quite the breaky phase(and I am quite sure breaky is not a word!). He broke something in Hallmark, Pier 1, a piece of china at home, and now he tore down the living room drapes. He has too much energy, and I have had trouble keeping him busy obviously.

The house is coming along. We keep shelling out more $$$ for things, but I think it will be worth it in the end-and you know how it goes, new house you want to replace old stuff. We have had to replace a lot-some of it was past due to be changed, some we were just tired of. I can't wait to get everything in the house, and it will be so warm and green when we get there. *sigh* The waiting is the hardest part....(a little TP quote lol)

I read an interesting story in a magazine at work a couple of weeks ago. It was about the end of friendships. The writer lamented how it was worse than ending a romantic relationship somehow, but as life moves along, you change, they change, the ties that bind no longer hold true, a fight that could not be resolved, your differences got in the way, etc. It was well written, and it made me think of friendships I have ended along the way. The writer mentioned fighting to keep a particular friendship of hers and it paid off, they were still friends. She also spoke of the lame way most end their friendships-say they'll call, and then don't etc-deplorable behaviour romantically-yet how is it is gotten away with by friends, etc. I thought back over the years of who I stayed friends with, who I lost touch with(for no particular reason), who I purposely did not wish to be friends with, who I have meaningfully re-connected with and who i have not. It just kind of made me take stock on things. The advent of facebook has been interesting to say the least, but I can honestly say there are some people I have re-connected with that are now so important to me again, it is so nice, some are just acquaintances, but that is ok by me-some of my closest friends I see almost daily are not even on facebook-it is wierd. Life is funny.

I am hoping Dave and I can still have our romantic dinner tomorrow. I am cooking, so it is not an issue of leaving the house, but with sick kids you never know. I have 4 courses planned at the moment, I am using a very nice gorgonzola in 2 dishes, can't wait!!!! I got my 10 year gift already, it is so gorgeous. I can't wait to celebrate this summer, hopefully all goes as planned!

