Saturday, January 26, 2008

Shopping, plans, thoughts and plans

Got the end table for our bedroom, chose our dining set, Dave is out wrangling a deal for the 4 kitchen appliances-the ones I really wanted, so I am happy. He will hand over the cash for them today if they give him the price they said! I just need to unload the stove, everything else is sold, awaiting pickup.Just need to buy some kids furniture and linens.I have no idea yet how to cover the windows in the new house. Three sets of bay windows has me stumped. I need to do some research to figure it out.Suggestions?

Mimi is going for a sleepover at Breanna's, we are still waiting to see if we can get a sitter for tonight so we can go out for some thai food. I am in need of some spice. The younger pair are watching a movie, so I will have a run. I can't wait to run outside again-I ran outsdie while in BC, it was raining but it was still great. It is a better workout than the treadmill, as everyone knows, but it does when it is -1 million outside.

Thoughts about ethnopharmacology-interestingly western and eastern(ie asian etc) have no discernable differences involving metabolism of drug components, yet the difference is vast in comparison to african-american and hispanic cultures regarding only certain drug groups. I found this fascinating, as the reason is attributed to the length of evolutionary distance between the races.

Anyhow, house is coming together. Need to replace the rug in the living room. I haven't found one yet, needs to be just the right colours, I have it in my head, but haven't seen it yet!

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