Sunday, January 27, 2008


Now that house decisions are well on their way, our appliances are purchased, and we are going to order our dining set today, we are slowly starting to plan our big event. We have not settled on a date yet, we are going to work it according to when Maria and Scott take holidays, as they were coming to see us anyways. We will begin preparations once we arrive there, and make it an all in one party-including housewarming & anniversary/event. We are keeping the guest list very small, but the menu will be good-for sure to include fresh oysters and local fish! I can't wait for it, I have had the vague overall plans in my head for years! I just hope I can get enough landscaping done before then -I should as I love gardening and miss it so much. We and a great yard in Kingston, we had a lot of fun with the garden. It will be so nice for the kids to plant again! Stay tuned for event info!

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