Sunday, January 13, 2008

New year, new post, new life

Well after some mucking about, the blog is up and about again. So much going on in the past while, no time to sit and write. This will also be brief, as any comp time I have needs to be focused on my current course, as it is a bit time consuming, but interesting.

I am done my scheduled shifts at work. What a great bunch I worked with, what a nice job. I had a very nice rotation, and I am honoured to have worked with such a dedicated bunch. I felt so touched to be told that "the good ones always leave" and how much I would be missed, I wish I could have stayed. I am feeling appreciated lately, my old boss from Kingston sent me an email when I said I was not returning(sadly), and in it she said I am an excellent nurse. That is the highest praise I could receive, as she is absolutely my mentor. There is no one professionally whom I aspire to more, so it was very high praise indeed.

We are preparing to stay at a luxury golf resort, this time tomorrow I will be dining in their restaurant looking out over the greens. If we can get sitters, Dave and I will hit the greens together, if not he will do a round on his own. It was a former PGA tour site, so it is one of the best. We are staying in the loft suite, the kids are excited! We have so much to do next week, but I can't wait to go to fall/spring climates. I could do without Manitoba winters forever. I hope we can get settled in soon, there is a lot of things we are anxious to do. The kids are just thrilled to be living on an island and have ocean and mountains in our daily view. We have been super shopping for spring clothes, I think I need to take out stock in the Gap. I will be posting pics of our adventure on facebook, so stay tuned.

Filling out the passports, getting prepped for a trip this year. We are hoping to embrace the rest of the world as we become west coasters. Another chapter begins!

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