Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pizza and daydreaming about the beach

Sausage, fennel and gruyere pizza
This beauty was cooked on the bbq. If I would have known how simple it was to cook pizza this way, I would have done it years ago as the flavour is amazing. Basically you crank your grill up high, then roll out your dough like you normally would, brush it with some oil, then throw it on. Once some bubbles form on the surface of your dough, you flip it. I thought it would stick, but it doesn't. At this point you can throw on some toppings and turn the heat right down, but you must sparingly apply toppings or the cheese won't melt.  It also only takes a total of 5-6 minutes cooking this way, so you must have all toppings pre-cooked/ready to go. What is simpler is to remove the pizza from the grill and broil them in the oven to melt the toppings. What I love about this is that I intend to make pizza when we camp this year. I just need to remember to pack yeast.

So pizza night it was last night. The kids pizzas were pepperoni, and we ended up watching The Fellowship of the Ring.  I forgot how good it was. We have been trying to watch all of our movies which sit there being ignored for so long, save a few favourites the kids keep re-watching (or us for that matter). After the kids went to bed, Dave and I watched Pineapple Express again, nice and funny. I also talked to Maria last night, we is on a business venture to commission paintings for an interior designer, sounds exciting. I can't wait to have her do one for me, finally I will have something to put in the family room....
We also had a family run/walk/scoot doing the airpark loop. I ran pushing Josh, Dave ran a bit, then walked as his ankle won't let him run long, and the girls on their scooters. It was so warm yesterday (+13), it was nice getting out again after Dave being unable to for so long. I am very excited for our summer routine, hiking, days at the beach every week. We talked about picnics on the beach, the kids very excited to go, Josh reminding me not to forget juice. I recall one day in particular, blazing hot, we set up our beach tent and went beach-combing at low tide, the sand looked so silvery with the bright sun that morning, and it was a very low tide, you could walk out hundreds of metres. When the kids were tired of splashing and finding jellyfish (filling a bucket with them I might add), we went back up to our tent. The kids had some juice and sandwiches, I recall having a beer. It was so peaceful, so utterly enjoyable. Typically we stay all day at the beach and come home for supper, something cooked on the grill. It is the best way to spend the summer.....
Its funny how thoughts of food, and the fact that I last made this pizza in July, can bring about such floods of memories and good times. I don't always recall things I cook when we are miserable, but sometimes it can bring such comfort in those times. After a miscarriage I remember eating ham, scalloped potatoes and carrots. It tasted good, and to this day I am so comforted by that combination. Food really can feed the soul too, I know I attach much emotion to it. Perhaps that is why i am not a chef, because I only truly enjoy cooking for those I love the most...

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