Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunny, Sunny days..

...there's nothin better in the world you know, than lyin' in the sun with your radio....! So true! That song always reminds me of one summer as a teen. I love basking on the deck with the glorious cloudless skies and the clear mountain view. Such relaxation. Summer seems magnified here, larger than life like when I was a kid. It is so surreal to have that feeling again. Super, natural BC-that is the slogan on the roadsides, our olympic plate says the best place on earth-well, it is pretty awesome here.

Summer is flying by. We are beaching it off and on, the beaches are amazing here, clear, salty, and sandy! I could go everyday, but the kids are tired from long days out, and the sand keeps coming home. We have been camping once, but we go on vacation shortly. We are camping on the pacific rim, going to Victoria for holidays and our anniversary-can't wait! We had a great time at Nautical days, visitng Auntie and Uncle in Nanaimo, shopping, even got a patio set (Gluckentstein, finally something we both liked). We got a ton of shopping started for back to school, lots of clothes for the kids. We still need a few more things, but between Lasenza girl, Gap, and Children's Place, we got lots. I also started on-yes-wait for it-Christmas! I know, I know, so early. But I was half done by this point last year, so I am slow for me! I got a few Halloween things today-hehe-we LOVE it way too much, spend ages planning for it, it is always a blast. We'll see what kind of party we have this year! I picked up signs and a candle, I am deciding on some other ghoulish delights yet to add to our 3+ large bins of goodies. We also had a girls spa night, got our nails and facials, cucumber sandwiches and tea-the girls really love it and look forward to them! Continual work on the house as well, we are doing some more tomorrow before Dave leaves for the airshow.

Well poor Josh has something seemingly viral, poor Nonster has a bit of thrush, me with some headaches. We are so tired from go-go-go around here. We should relax and veg at the house more. We will be too tired for school.

Well another course wraps, got an A on my workshop, and my instructor gave really good feedback, thought my case studies were really well done and the power point comprehensive. I was also told that I used an excellent strategy and rationale with my framework, and that I provided a wealth of info. I am so pleased as I spent hours and hours on it! However, i am very glad it is done!!! I am looking at some work options now, slowly figuring things out.

Dave heads for soccer regionals and then nationals soon, we are tagging along a bit in Vic if we are able, I don't mind driving with the kids. I want to tag along in Banff for the conference, but we are waiting to see what his accomodations are like first.

Well this is it so far, continual travel and work this summer. It has been hard squeezing in lessons for the kids, but we have managed some-they would not earn all their allowance if they did not and then no webkinz so, that would be tragic lol. Poor Josh gets no allowance for his drawings and letters, the lil turnip, but he doesn't care. If he gets a balloon at the toystore he is happy. Money is meaningless when you are two!

Well, back to my nice summer evening, think I'll brew up some Nirvana tea....

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