Monday, March 24, 2008

17 days

17 days to go. A ton of stuff to sum up here, two more shifts to work, then I am officially on holidays till the fall. I plan on taking the kids to the beach almost every day-just because we can! I have lots of landscaping and some painting of the downstairs in the house, but we want to enjoy the most beautiful place we have ever lived by being outdoors all spring and summer as much as we can.

I got my paper in under the wire, and I summed up another unit and posted on transdermal testosterone, and why this is the preferred delivery method. Very exciting. I have massive studying to do till the exam. I can't wait to be done. Sandy and I are pulling our hair out over this one.

Easter was fun. On Saturday the kids went to an egg hunt and a lunch, Lauryn won a prize too. On the Sunday we went out for brunch after our little egg hunt at home, then had our big dinner with family. I usually do ham, but the turkey I made was so juicy and tender. We have to empty out the freezer! Strawberry shortcake I made for dessert went over really well. The kids got lots of gifts, the Easter Bunny likes to spoil them with clothes, toys and treats. Amelia slept in the living room with her camera to try and catch the bunny himself in the act, but she slept without waking while things were being hidden. What a turkey! I miss outdoor egg hunts-at least this is the last one we had to suffer through in a winter enviro.

All our hotels are booked. We have notified all friends we are planning on visiting en route and before we leave, so we are excited to see everyone, sad to say goodbye to others. After our cross-country trek we get two weeks in two different resorts, so I am stoked. The kids are bursting they are so excited.

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