Monday, May 10, 2010

A mother of a weekend

The girls at the beach for our bbq
I had a fantastic weekend. For starters, Dave came home early. I have tried not to make plans lately, because if there is anything the CF love, its to make plans then change them, then change them again. As I said to the child of one of my friends from Shilo, uncertainty is the only certainty in life (talk about confusing a 14 yr old!). But, I love spontaneity, thrive on flying by the seat of my pants. So he came home early, and we are drinking up each others company. Of course I grilled huge shrimp wrapped around chorizo, I have invented a delicious cocktail (limoncello lemonade, THE perfect summer drink), and we stayed up late talking, talking, and making love till we were exhausted....

On Mother's day, I sent Mom flowers and we had a good chat. The kids lavished me with their handi-work, Josh a small paper flower pot with a sunflower he coloured, and inside "LOOK!!!!SEEDS!!!!!" it was so cute. Lauryn made me a hat worthy of the Kentucky derby, and although I had many reasons why i could not wear it to brunch, it was so priceless. She also made a french story book outlining her plans for our day, and an origami elephant Amelia helped her with. Amelia made me a card with 3-D flowers, quite funky. I have the best kids. We went out for brunch where we ended up sitting at a table beside the same strangers the kids and I ate lunch beside the previous day at a charity BBQ-small world. Turns out he was from Edmonton and her Winnipeg-even weirder. We wandered (well the kids ran) through one of the nurseries, where I picked a basket to hang by the front door. Then we went out for americanos and gelato. We came home to relax, the kids with a movie on, us upstairs sneaking a quick moment to ourselves : ) The day finished at the beach, where we had a fire, the kids jumped around on the driftwood, and we grilled smokies and made smores, sipped our drinks and enjoyed life. We should have brought the kite though, the wind was perfect for it. We have pledged to bbq at the beach every week this summer, it is the best way to spend the evening, the kids never tire of it. I am still feeling mellow, although Dave's company helps....I love that man.

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