Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wow-life getting in the way of blogging! Lots happening, no spare time, as usual. What is up? Well, I will tell you....

New job, extremely time consuming learning a very different role, getting my brain to work in different ways. I have yet another new role to take on, it is alot in such a short time. I am still getting used to the fact that MB and BC are behind ON, but I am adjusting each time. I hope I like liason, it is being pushed at me, and I look forward to a more acute atmosphere, so here goes...I am looking forward to my next course in Jan.

Halloween-the most awful, er, wonderful? time of the year?? I get to be a kid, the kids get to max out on fun-does it get any better? The only thing that would make it better, would be going to a fun adult Halloween party ina sexy costume with my man. Not gonna happen this year, but I can hope for next. We had our annual kids party, a big success with 14 kids. I have ideas for next years already. With all my work stress I pulled it together, then had vino with friends-it was fun and realxing in the end, I really needed that wind down time. Every time Diana and I hang out, I say-why don't we get together more often-then life gets us too busy till the next time!

I had a great day with my "girls" from work. We have spent the past six weeks training, leaning on each other for info, support, etc. It has been so great to get to know each other, I love hanging out with them-we have educational time, then shopped-we ran out of time for dinner, but we plan to get together at a pub for a night. I really work with an awesome bunch!

Next step in this house is Christmas-already bought some new stuff! Also got some new Gap suff, gettin ready for a change of season-i hope to shop more shortly.

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