Thursday, June 12, 2008


An after school conversation:
Amelia: We wanted to find a nice place to sit on the playground. These are our 4 priorities:
1. Find a place away from the boys
2. Place that was shady
3. A great view
4. Not get hit by the soccer ball
The buttercups were too close to the soccer fields. We thought there was a hole in the daisy patch, but we couldn't find it. We went to a place I suggested, except there were wrappers and the view was the mud rope.

I had to laugh. I loved the 4 priorities bit.

Lauryn also informed me today that Vanessa can jump as high as a kangaroo. I said I doubt

Josh has a spool of thread loose-he is pulling and and saying "tuggy tuggy" straining as he pulls, then getting it caught and saying "oh my". It is so funny, I don't have the heart to take it off him, despite the long tangly thread trail....

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