Friday, February 8, 2008

Mornings...and afternoons

Mornings can be so peaceful, I enjoy just me and Josh doing stuff at home. He has been insisting on dining at the little table lately, he eats breakfast and lunch there. I don't know why, it is just what he likes. Maybe the big table is too big for him. Mind you he has been ending up in our bed so much lately, even Lauryn came wandering in the middle of the night last night. The kids have all wanted to sleep in our room so much when they were small. Even Amelia still the odd time comes crawling in. I love the cuddle time, but it usually means I am half awake because the kicks love to kick and hog the bed! They are only small once...

I am going to try and bake today, and we will have make your own pizza night/movie night/family night tonight. We do it most Fridays, it is always lots of fun. I will finish my cleaning and readings early, then do my shopping, hopefully all in the morning! Big order for a short time!

I got my CRNBC final form yesterday, just have to send the last payment in, I am approved to register. My boss told me 6 months it took her daughter to get hers-mine was super fast. The college there told me 6 weeks. I am not planning on returning to work until fall, I will take the summer off and enjoy my family and oceanside life. Life is too short to waste working all my time away-besides Davey-O is getting another raise, and then another big one next Dec, so it should not matter so much what I do, thank goodness.

I am procrastinating, need to get busy this am...

Well I am continuing this in the pm, I will do my reading after I drop Lauryn off at her playdate. I got the house clean, picked up pizza stuff and snacks for tonight, and exchanged a dress at the gap. I am being efficient for the first time this week I swear. Dave and I even got the basement sorted, more stuff getting the heave ho, as we figure out the family room, mud room, living room furniture for the new house. It is all coming together.

Mom's surgery went without a hitch and she is home. Now let's hope all the news is as positive. Interesting aside, Kathy's mom has a boyfriend. Good for her, I think that is awesome. My good friend Chantal is also thinking about dating again-I am so glad, she deserves happiness too. Even Mom has entertained such thoughts recently, and I really hope she does. Being alone can be so hard.

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