Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day one, fruitcake two, nuts anyone?

Well, I have two beauties in the fridge. Today I made mini fruitcakes which I will top with marzipan icing. These are meant as a snack, and something for the kids to take to school for their lunches. Seriously, something has to tide us over while we wait for the good stuff.

This is also day one of me trying to save money. I completely suck with money. It is quite infrequently I can save it unless I am a) highly,highly motivated, or b) I am forced to via various bonds, RRSPs, GICs, RESPs. I spend and overspend. perhaps I spend to overcompensate for the lack of $ I had as a kid? Yah, that seems too easy. Addicted to shopping? Again, maybe too easy. Addicted to stuff? Consumed by consumerism? I am not sold on any of them totally, but perhaps there is bits of each in the real reason. What everything in this world comes down to. Power. It tips the scales in my favour. Perhaps I spend more when I feel powerless. Money is freedom, it buys pleasure, and controls the masses. So how can I convince myself that holding onto it, not surrounding myself with things, will buy me more power? Will this really, truly tip the scales ultimately in my favour?

Perhaps I need a new perspective. Dave will lose it if I don't go cold turkey. I always just say, one more thing. Well, I think this time I have to force the issue and say too bad. No more. I did not buy my nephews gifts, but they are babies and so what. They ahve never, ever bought our kids a decades worth of bday and xmas gifts, so screw it, they get books and I am done with Christmas. Perhaps this cutting myself off in the season of indulgence will be the ultimate test, I do love to challenge myself periodically. And here's hoping a house full of treats and sinful indulgences of the culinary kind, coupled with a freeze on spending will appease Dave....

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