Sunday, September 26, 2010

A ghost of a post

Josh and Lauryn, Seal Bay
We have had a very quiet weekend. I finished my research project, and submitted it for review. Yay. Wish I was more excited about that one, but in the end the topic deterred from something which I had any passion about. Such is life. The project did alright in the end, just not an area I had any zeal for, so the work lacked the associated luster. 
What did I cook this weekend? Something always something. I am feeling too melancholy right now to think back, perhaps it was the brown sugar pie? It was just as it sounded, cream, butter, sugar. A poor man's dish from Quebec. It reminded me of shoofly pie I made years ago, it had molasses as well. The kids loved it, I remember the girls were small then, back in Kingston. Amelia had just gotten over some poison ivy. I miss the uncomplicated days of the kids being so little, having so few demands on my time. I enjoy the rapid pace at times, I feel a bit manic when I am really in the midst of intense busy-ness. However, like all highs, you have to come down sooner or later, and then I get into a low. Exhausted, over-extended. Then my energy rises and it is all good again. I just wish I could ease up in one area-any area, but I just am not sure where.
 This was a wedding cake for the kids stuffs...apparently they got married!
brown sugar pie

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