Saturday, March 20, 2010

Blogging takes time...I have no time...

Chanterelle and Oyster mushroom gallette with gruyere-I have been meaning to make this for 4 years. It did not disappoint.

Well I don't have time to write, but I hate losing track of my blog as I have been at it for going on 3 years and I want to keep it up. I have been beside myself busy, and to make things worse I have been doing some liaison work lately, which is SO busy its nuts, the things that go on in this hospital is nuts. I have some great colleagues though, which make it enjoyable. Even psych rounds were nice as I was kindly introduced to those I did not know at the table despite my being so late....
Hannah and Josh

Josh and Lauryn had a double sleepover last week, Josh's first time having his own little friend over. They were so cute. Hannah is this amazing kid who does what you tell her-always, no need to tell her twice! I told her it was bedtime and she went to bed-magic! lol, none of mine have ever been that compliant. Her sister likes to push the envelope a bit, and her and Lauryn are a real pair-but such good friends. They are both very good kids though, and they had a blast, making party hats and cookies, watching Tinkerbell movie, playing dress-up and jumping on the trampoline. We continue to skate weekly, swim lessons and soccer will start soon. Josh will play for the Bambinos, so cute.

I saw Alice in Wonderland, and it was fabulous. All I had hoped for, although it did stray a tad from the actual story. However, it strayed in a most Tim Burtonish way, so I now will be on a quest for a fantastic costume from the film this years all hallows eve....muhahaha......I want to top my wicked queen costume from last year! Johnny managed to charm me in his usual way as well, proving once again that ugly can be handsome if acted well. Auntie and Uncle joined us for the show, and we ate chinese at their fave restaurant they have been going to for 25 yrs or something like that. It was reasonably good, but too much fat for my liking. Give me Vietnamese or Thai any day...or Indian for that matter. We shopped a bit, picked up some nice khaki type pants and a skirt for spring, Josh fell asleep on the drive home.

I am making guinness braised stew for St, Patty's tomorrow. It is braising as I type and avoid my research numbers which are weighing heavily in the back of my mind. Tomorrow Dave and I might stop by a friends party for some black & tan's, which he informs me the Irish hate, but since I am only half Irish, I should only half hate their historical significance? lol Dave and his military history knowledge. It is interesting, but....

Part II:
Josh broke his clavicle. Basically he was in bed, and we were downstairs, heard a scream and found him on the floor. Keep in mind, he had fallen asleep on our bed which sits about 3 feet off the ground, super monster mattress. He was not moving well and I could feel the spot and it was super-painful, so to emerg he went. Poor turkey is in a sling now, and learning how to assemble lego mainly one-handed. Good times.  As such, Dave stopped in at the "stuck inn" and I did not get to go. From the photos, we missed an awesome bash, but, such is life.

My group is scrambling to edit our work prior to our deadline. We are SO close to being done, but I hate these finicky bits. It will be a huge relief to be finished. I am sick of writing about findings and scouring the data. Icky....

On a super-fantastic note, I snared pre-sale tickets for Tom Petty, some nice floor seats. I can't wait, it will be a nice getaway for Dave and I.  I've got a room at the top of the world tonight....we made pizza, classic friday fare. It was +14 today, wickedly sunny, all the fruit trees are in bloom, the daffodils and crocuses are out, the grass needs cut. Full force spring. I am just glad the rain has stopped. I have been thinking about earthquakes again, for obvious reasons as the news is so full of them. Also, we could get one, maybe soon. Josh's daycare has requested everyone send earthquake comfort packs for the kids. The girls do earthquake drills at school. So odd it seems, but we also have our emergency plan for a disaster as a family, so we are not totally hooped if something happens. Kind of like our New Years for the Y2K thing, where I had big jugs of water set aside in though I was quite sure it was a hoax. But I did have a very odd dream last night, and like my mother and her mother before her, when any of us dream about certain family members, something happens. So I take it to heart whenever I dream about certain people, I just wonder what giant clams and wolves meant, and how on earth Dave's dad factored into it all.....
Tonight mimi has her friend for a sleepover, and I guess we will see what the fuss is about New Moon. Lauryn has strept throat, so doped up and off to bed, poor kid. Once the young pair is in bed, we will sit with the girls for the movie. Dave is taking a taping course this weekend, with a  bunch of physiotherapists. Useful as he coaches the various teams that he does. Josh will play for the Bambinos this year, hope he loves it. This is the kid that could dribble a ball across the yard at age 1, so I imagine he will do ok!
We grilled steaks, marinated in garlic, olive oil, rosemary, shrimp on the grill, stuffed potatoes, and oven fried chicken and fresh veggies. Ok, I was just about to write that we found out a neighbour fishes and can get us oysters for $3 a dozen today, when the doorbell rang and it was our neighbour Jeff with a bag of fresh oysters, just pulled from the ocean today. Life is awesome....
oysters and Elsa....

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